Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Big Decision

Ever since I arrived in this fine country, I have have constantly been asked the following question: "Sos hincha de River o Boca"? Which means: are you a fan of River or Boca? I had heard that soccer was a big deal in this country before I ever arrived. But hearing such things is just not the same as experiencing how big of a deal it is in real life. Everyone has a team for which they have an undying passion and conversations about soccer are a year-round hot topic. Just yesterday I was discussing with a cab driver about his team. This decision is a very big deal.

While there are several teams in the province of Buenos Aires, two teams command the loyalty of about 70% of the people. One is the Boca Juniors Club whose slogan is "We are the people and the party".

Boca Juniors Logo. CABJ - Stands for Club Atletico Boca Juniors 

Boca juniors stadium, known as La Bombonera (The chocolate box) which holds 49,000 die hards each match.

The other is the River Plate club, the "millionaires", whose slogan is "The ultimate champions of Argentine soccer". 

The River Plate logo. CARP - Club Atletico River Plate

The River Plate stadium, known as El Monumental (The Monument) which holds 65,400 screaming fans.
To further explain a bit about each of the teams, the Boca Juniors are considered the team of the working class while River Plate's fan base is more middle class. Both teams are good and have enjoyed periods of dominance over the other.

After much deliberation, prayer (not really, but it might have been a good idea), and thought I have made my decision.  Garrett Bounds is now and will forevermore be a fan of the Boca Juniors.


  1. Good choice. I know nothing about this, but you chose the best team colors.

  2. I think I'm going to use this blog in my Spanish class. I was trying to explain to my class about how there are different states in Mexico and most people from Mexico have a certain loyalty to their state and often to the soccer team from their state in a similar way that we might be a fan of our state's sports team, but they kind of stared at me blankly. I hope I have full copyright rights to use any of your witty words here in Gate City, VA. I will keep you and your ministry in my prayers brother.

  3. Since decisiveness is not one of the Bounds' strong suits, glad you have that one wrapped up! :) So now do you have a new scarf to add to your living room border of soccer scarves?
