Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm back! Here's a rundown of Campamento 2011.

Dearest Friends,

After many many weeks away from modern day amenities, like Wi-Fi, I have returned to my lovely apartment in Buenos Aires with many stories, pictures, and videos to share.  Three big things have happened while I was away:

1. Campamento (Student Camp) of 2011
2. Mapuche Project
3. Vacation!!!

In this post I will share a bit about camp and will address the next two items in later posts.

What was Campamento 2011? It was very similar to a Crusade Winter Conference or YoungLife camp in the states - a time for students from different schools to get together, enjoy fellowship, meet new people and learn about the Lord and grow in their walks with Him.  My team and I were working alongside the Argentine Crusade Staff to help host the camp. We helped set things up, run the registration tables, etc.  The camp was held in a town called La Falda in the province of Cordoba. I like maps, so I've included one showing the Argentine provinces for your reference below.

It was a great spot! Unlike the province of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires is a Province which contains the Capital city of Buenos Aires), the area of La Falda is mountainous and green - much to this Tennessee boy's delight. We all stayed in a hotel outside the town of La Falda. The hotel had an outdoor pavilion called a Quincho where we had most of our meetings, a cafeteria where we all 240 or so staff and students ate together, several stories of rooms crammed with beds and mattresses, and a sweet outdoor pool. (We slept 6 deep in rooms that were made for 2. "Personal space" doesn't exist in this country!!)

Some of my roomates: Gabi (the worship leader), Roberto, and Hector

There was no written schedule for the camp - which blew my mind when I arrived - but each day consisted of 2 main meeting times in the Quincho and an assortment of break-out sessions in the afternoon as well as some free time.

"How was camp"- you might ask; Unbelievable is my answer. The Argentine staff spoke at the main sessions and planned the break-out sessions and they were incredible. Even with the language skills to only comprehend 85% of what was said - I was greatly challenged by the talks.  It was really neat to read and hear the bible taught in another language. And boy was it taught! These Argentine brothers know how to bring it! Here's a favorite story:

All the students arriving!
The last morning, the national director for Argentina issued a challenge to the students: "If you feel God working in your life and you want commit to serve Him with your life in some way - stand to your feet." Immediately students began standing. The response was great. I would guess that 3/4 of the students present at the camp were standing. I was so encouraged to see such a movement of people who have a desire to serve the same God that I serve. Witnessing that moment has made me so very excited about the coming year and the opportunity that I have to partner with some of the students I met to bring the Gospel to campuses all over Argentina.  It's a huge challenge but I'm excited about taking it on.

Another part of camp that was really incredible was our day of outreach. We went door to door in a town near La Falda inviting children to a time of games and hanging out in the town park and told everyone that we would be showing a movie that night as well.  We had a great turnout to our showing of the Jesus Film, and saw 17 people decide to trust in Christ that night! It was awesome!

Students and myself at the time in the park.

Our showing of the Jesus Film.

While a great time, camp was a bit overwhelming at times. I'm conversational in Spanish, but not fluent.  Immediately upon my arrival I learned that when Argentine students are in big groups, they don't take turns speaking, they just talk.  And they talk quickly. When they're excited, they talk quickly. When they're angry, they talk quickly.  When they're trying to drive home a point, they talk quickly.  Catch my drift?  As rate of speaking increases, Garrett's level of comprehension decreases. So sometimes I would be in a group listening to people talk and catch like 15% of what had been said. In such a case, if I were to be asked a question, I just smiled.  And then everyone would chuckle and continue to talk very quickly.  Because of situations like this camp was tough - awesome, but tough.

There was also much fun to be had. We were divided up into groups to make videos for the final night of camp. My group made a spoof of the most recent Twilight video. It was awesome! We also played a lot of soccer and had an entire evening of different outdoor games.  And I discovered a favorite pastime for students - KARAOKE. At 2:30 AM the last night of camp, the Karaoke party was just getting cranked up. There were some hysterical Spanish performances. Yours truly and the other gringos represented American music well with a performance of the Backstreet Boys' "Everybody".  Dance moves included.

Well, I hope that gives you a good idea of what the first 9 days of my absence were like.  Stay tuned for more!


  1. So glad you're back in BA--missed having communication with you! I remember the days of being immersed in a language not your own--makes my head hurt just thinking about it. Hang in there. The comprehension and the communication will only improve with time. Then we'll all be in trouble when you get home and have one of your "we're only going to speak in Spanish" moods.:) Your sister will be very impressed that you chose a Backstreet Boys song to sing & dance to.:)

  2. I'm so glad that you are back to high tech so we can keep up with you! I have missed hearing about your adventures and was excited when I opened your blog and you had an entry and might I say it was very informative! Hang in there-be patient and let God work through you-you are missed and loved.

  3. Your sister is impressed :) I'm glad to see your back to blogging! I want to see penguin pictures!

  4. So great to hear from you Garrett!! It sounds like a you've had a great adventure already! I love hearing your voice (in my head) when I read your blog...i.e. I love that you write like you talk. Brad said that you two got to skype recently. I know that was a blessing to him. Stay safe and know I'm praying for you.
